Ahmedabad, February 2023 – India, home to 18% of the global human population and 15% of the worldwide livestock population, only commands 2% and 4% of global land mass and freshwater resources, respectively. With a growing population and expanding economic influence, there is a consequent increase in demand for water in various sectors (agriculture, industry, domestic, recreation, infrastructure development, etc.) While India does control a substantial amount of the global extracted groundwater supply (25%), the demand-supply gap is compounded by such challenges as overextraction, poor recharge, and low storage capacity, among several other factors.
In response to this growing demand for rural access to fresh water, the Indian government launched the Jal Jeevan Mission in 2020 to provide Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every rural household by 2024. The program aims to deliver water supply in adequate quantity and quality regularly at a household level by installing water wells in nearly 100,000 villages around the country. Source sustainability measures set by the mission also require an equal number of dedicated recharging wells set around the country.
True to our vision of a world where protecting lives and our precious natural resources comes first and to our mission of supporting our customers on their journey to environmental sustainability, Johnson Screens is a main contributor to the success of the Jal Jeevan Mission. Thanks to the outstanding quality of our Vee-Wire screens used the world over in groundwater and well industries, superior production capacity compared to competitors, and our unique position within the Indian water wells market as the sole possessors of an in-house nationally accredited testing facility, Johnson Screens India was able to secure the rights to supply the screens for the vast majority of the contracts associated with this project.
“We are very proud to be part of the important project for the people in India”, says Johnson Screens Private Ltd. CEO Shiven Amin. “This project allows us to fulfil our role in providing people access to clean water and improving their daily lives globally.”
About Johnson Screens
Johnson Screens is the leading global provider of screening and auxiliary solutions. We support a wide range of industries, such as water wells, environmental, energy, chemicals, food and beverage, and mining, with our highly engineered and precisely fabricated products.
Renato Barbedo – Global Marketing Director
Water Well Solutions Created By The Water Wells Experts
Johnson Screens has driven innovation in the Water Wells industry for 120 years. Our water well experts provide the solutions that the industry needs to progress with the tradition and legacy that you trust.
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