Johnson Screens is a leading manufacturer of stainless steel and PVC well screens for water well, environmental, and oil and gas applications.

Our continuous Vee-Wire® slot design allows for lower entrance velocity of the water, reducing encrustation rates. The Vee-Wire® slot design also resists plugging and prevents sand from damaging pumps, while allowing minimal drawdown and less energy use to lift the formation fluids.

The quality of our manufacturing process ensures consistent slot spacing and screen integrity that provides completion longevity. With a high open area that allows better access to the entire formation around the screen, the fines and drilling fluid can efficiently flow back, resulting in better well development and production.

Technical Support and Design Assistance

  • Sand analysis of formation materials
  • Screen size recommendations
  • Screen installation suggestions
  • Well construction consultation

Our technical staff includes expert design engineers, welders, technical support personnel, and sales engineers who are familiar with all aspects of manufacturing and deployment of downhole screens for different applications.

Well Screens Make a Difference

Well screens are much more than a length of casing with a few slots into it. They rely on critical design parameters to perform the essential function of efficiently retaining the formation sand or gravel while allowing the maximum flow area for production.

While screen designs offered some improvements, the Johnson Screens’ well screen design revolutionized the industry.

Learn How

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  • PVC Screens and Casing
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Shur-Grip® Flush Threaded PVC Casing and Screen

Shur-Grip® Flush Threaded PVC Casing and Screen

PVC Fittings and Adapters

PVC Fittings and Adapters

End Fitting and Screen Connection

End Fitting and Screen Connection

Shur-Grip® Spline PVC Casing and Screen

Shur-Grip® Spline PVC Casing and Screen

Johnson Screens’ Shur-Grip Spline PVC connection is the industry's fastest and easiest installation of flush joint casing and screen for water wells.

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Shur-A-Lock PVC well casing

Shur-A-Lock PVC well casing

Designed for faster and lower cost installation, Johnson Screens’ Shur-A-Lock is manufactured to the highest joint tolerances, allowing for easy assembly with no special tools.

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PVC Casings and Risers

PVC Casings and Risers

Di-Electric Coupling

Di-Electric Coupling

Slotted PVC Screens

Slotted PVC Screens

PVC Vee-Pack™ Pre-Pack Screens

PVC Vee-Pack™ Pre-Pack Screens

PVC Pre-Pak Well Screen

PVC Pre-Pak Well Screen

PVC Perforated Pipe

PVC Perforated Pipe

304 Stainless Steel and Sch. 40 Low Carbon Steel Casings

304 Stainless Steel and Sch. 40 Low Carbon Steel Casings

Water Well Drive Points

Water Well Drive Points

Stainless Steel Pump Screens

Stainless Steel Pump Screens

Muni-Pak Screens

Muni-Pak Screens

Pipe Based Well Screens

Pipe Based Well Screens

Hi-Flow Stainless Steel Screens

Hi-Flow Stainless Steel Screens

HICAP High Capacity Low Carbon Steel Screens

HICAP High Capacity Low Carbon Steel Screens

HICAP High Capacity Galvanized Screens

HICAP High Capacity Galvanized Screens



Small Diameter Stainless Steel Well Screens

Small Diameter Stainless Steel Well Screens

PVC Vee-Wire® Screens

PVC Vee-Wire® Screens

Johnson Screens' Vee-Wire® PVC sonic-welded well screens present higher open area for given slot size than any other non-metallic screen available while still having the reliability that you expect from Johnson Screens.

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Free Flow 304 Screen

Free Flow 304 Screen

Johnson Screens' Free-Flow 304 Stainless Steel Screen uses Vee-Wire standard construction. This design offers an economical option for various well depths and applications.

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Small Diameter Stainless Steel Well Screens

Small Diameter Stainless Steel Well Screens



HICAP High Capacity Galvanized Screens

HICAP High Capacity Galvanized Screens

HICAP High Capacity Low Carbon Steel Screens

HICAP High Capacity Low Carbon Steel Screens

Hi-Flow Stainless Steel Screens

Hi-Flow Stainless Steel Screens

Pipe Based Well Screens

Pipe Based Well Screens

Muni-Pak Screens

Muni-Pak Screens

Stainless Steel Pump Screens

Stainless Steel Pump Screens

Water Well Drive Points

Water Well Drive Points

304 Stainless Steel and Sch. 40 Low Carbon Steel Casings

304 Stainless Steel and Sch. 40 Low Carbon Steel Casings

Di-Electric Coupling

Di-Electric Coupling

Free Flow 304 Screen

Free Flow 304 Screen

Johnson Screens' Free-Flow 304 Stainless Steel Screen uses Vee-Wire standard construction. This design offers an economical option for various well depths and applications.

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Shur-Grip® Flush Threaded PVC Casing and Screen

Shur-Grip® Flush Threaded PVC Casing and Screen

PVC Casings and Risers

PVC Casings and Risers

Shur-A-Lock PVC well casing

Shur-A-Lock PVC well casing

Designed for faster and lower cost installation, Johnson Screens’ Shur-A-Lock is manufactured to the highest joint tolerances, allowing for easy assembly with no special tools.

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Shur-Grip® Spline PVC Casing and Screen

Shur-Grip® Spline PVC Casing and Screen

Johnson Screens’ Shur-Grip Spline PVC connection is the industry's fastest and easiest installation of flush joint casing and screen for water wells.

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PVC Perforated Pipe

PVC Perforated Pipe

PVC Pre-Pak Well Screen

PVC Pre-Pak Well Screen

PVC Vee-Pack™ Pre-Pack Screens

PVC Vee-Pack™ Pre-Pack Screens

Slotted PVC Screens

Slotted PVC Screens

PVC Vee-Wire® Screens

PVC Vee-Wire® Screens

Johnson Screens' Vee-Wire® PVC sonic-welded well screens present higher open area for given slot size than any other non-metallic screen available while still having the reliability that you expect from Johnson Screens.

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End Fitting and Screen Connection

End Fitting and Screen Connection

PVC Fittings and Adapters

PVC Fittings and Adapters

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